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Bill Clinton is a PUMA!?

28 Jun

Bill Clinton attended the Nelson Mandela 90th birthday celebration in London this past week, missing the Unity for Change event. Suspicious minds might read something in his lack of attendance, but really, it was all just good manners.

You see, Bill had already RSVPed for the birthday party. It would have been rude to cancel at the last minute. 

Those pesky London papers just don’t seem to understand American etiquette. The UK Telegraph wrote an article – “Bill Clinton says Barack Obama must ‘kiss my ass’ for his support” – declaring Bill is still mad about all this silly Obama nonsense!

It’s really just a simple misunderstanding. You see, it appears Bill didn’t get the memo on what an honor it is to be smeared by The One. The Obama camp emailed it to Bill, along with a memo on TPS report cover sheets, and it got caught in his spam filter by accident. Don’t you just hate it when that happens!?

OK, all snark aside. I’m thrilled to hear Bill is angry. He should be. Continue reading

The Clinton Legacy

18 Jun


GaryChapelHill over at The Confluence has a fabulous post entitled Audacious Clinton Bashing. It’s a must read for today.

On Anderson Cooper last night, a distinguished (snark) panel of pundits discussed how Hillary supporters will ‘come around’ to Obama in time.

They mistakenly believe we’re comprised soley of white older women (ha!). Once we see Hillary standing next to Obama in photo ops galore, we’ll all suddenly embrace Obama and start taking our daily dose of Kool-Aide.

They just don’t get it. They can’t understand that rational voters could reject a hopey-changey inexperienced candidate- the audacity of us!

The Clinton legacy is proof of political actions taken on our behalf and for what we believe in. When will the powers that be (Dean, Pelosi, Kerry, Obamabots) learn that smearing the Clinton legacy is just another reason Hillary supporters openly reject the ‘chosen one’ they keep trying to push upon us.

Once again, sorry DNC, no deal.